Friday, 19 November 2010

Simple trick to disable right click in webpage

This is the most simple script that I ever found and it works well.. :D
First, find your <body> tag than add the following line:

oncontextmenu="return false;"

so, the final code will be like this:

<body oncontextmenu="return false;">

If you also want to disable keyboard stroke, or text select you can use this code. The placement is same with above...

onkeydown="return false;" //disable keystroke

onmousedown="return false;" //disable text select

Hope this useful for you.. :D

Titanium dioxide to degrade pentachlorophenol

Pentachlorophenol is a phenolic compound that was chlorinated. Pentachlorophenol very toxic for our breath, cause dermatitis on skin and more toxic than inorganic solvent.

Pentachlorophenol waste almost dissolvable in water so degradation process is very hard. Some ways have been done to solve biological waste problem, but not efficient enough. For example, active carbon just involve pollutant absorption without decomposition process. Chemical oxidation process can’t decomposition all of organic compound be carbon dioxide and water, and have been used in high concentration waste.

The risk if you smoke

you will lose a lot money if you smoke, illustration if you smoke one pack of cigarettes a day at $2.00 per pack, you spend $730 per year. If your habit has continued for a period of 20 years you will have spent an incredible $14,600! If you smoke two packs for that same period of time, you will spend $29,200!

You will be twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer. ten times more likely to die from some form of lung disease. ten times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx. six times more likely to die of heart disease. twice as likely to die of a stroke.

not only for your health, you also help your friends and human around you to die, yes you help them to die faster

how to make our body more health and energizer?

This several exercises and meditation help to improve your health, more energizer, more focus and more happy, fell free to do it everyday

Friday, 12 November 2010

Very strange vampire diseases

This is not twilight movie or any fake work. 2 brothers simon 13, and george 11 had a strange diseases that make their teeth looks like vampire. Surprisingly, they also act like vampire, avoiding sunrise and light place. As I read from dailymail, their diseases already known in medic. They call it Hypo hidrotic ectodermal displasia. Only 7000 peoples in the world that suffer from this kind of disease. Let we see their "scary" pics....

Fun notepad secret code

If you're often use notepad text document to store your note, then this trick maybe cool for you.
Lets try it:
1. Open a new text document as usual
2. Add ".LOG" in the first line (without qoutes) then ENTER
3. Write any stuff you want and save it
4. Close and re-open the file then you'll see the differences... :D

FAIL coconut car

What will happen next??


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